The "Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002" requires that drinking water utilities serving more than 3,300 people update or revise their Emergency Response Plans (ERP). The update should consider the various types of incidents that could occur as a result of malevolent acts (e.g. intentional contamination of water supplies, cyber attacks, physical assaults, intentional release of hazardous chemicals, etc.). The update should also address risks discovered during the utility's Vulnerability Assessment that was mandated under the same Act. Small systems (3,300 to 50,000 customers) are currently within their update period.
This free, one-day workshop will include a discussion of the regulatory requirements to update the ERP and a review of EPA's official guidance for ERP development and upgrades. The course will also provide a comprehensive review of EPA's recently released "Response Protocol Toolbox: Planning for and Responding to Contamination Threats to Drinking Water Systems." The Toolbox provides detailed guidance for the utility's response to a threat, or actual incident, of intentional contamination of a public water system. Additionally, the workshop will offer a description of some of the other tools EPA is providing to assist with utility security concerns. These include the "Laboratory Compendium" that is designed to assist utilities in selection of laboratories for analysis of emergency response samples and EPA's "Water and Wastewater Security Product Guide." Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are being offered in conjunction with this workshop.
For general information contact Ellen Lascari
by telephone at 508-833-6600 , Ext. 135
via e-mail at
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