External Website Disclaimer
Links to web sites outside the U.S. EPA web site, Training Exchange and non-EPA documents are for the convenience of the user. The Standards of Ethical Conduct do not permit the U.S. EPA to endorse any private sector web site, product, or service. The U.S. EPA (and its training partners) do not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find on these web sites and within these documents. These links are being provided consistent with the intended purpose of this web site. Links to web sites that refer to specific products or training are not
an endorsement of their contents, only an acknowledgement that it may relevant to the web site audience. Interactions with these web sites will be subject to their privacy policy, if any.
When you are being directed to a web site outside of our control, we indicate this clearly with an "Leaving Trainex" graphic either next to the link or at the top of pages with many external links.
If you find a link leading to content of questionable quality, value or relevancy, please contact us and let us know.