Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans (UFP-QAPP)
Hosted by Environmental Response Training Program (ERTP)
Current description – Focus on Project Planning
This 1-day course is designed to gain buy-in regarding the need for QAPPs, provide technical guidance for reviewing the UFP-QAPP format, and instruct participants in using UFP-QAPPs as an effective tool to plan projects involving U.S. EPA environmental information (not just lab data) gathering activities. The course targets project decision makers, remedial project managers (RPM), on-scene coordinators (OSC), information end users, and quality assurance (QA) personnel, as well as technical staff who support planning and environmental information collection, processing, validation, and use. This course emphasizes aspects of the UFP-QAPP that project managers/decision makers need to focus on, but also provides an overview of those parts of a UFP-QAPP that are largely chemistry-related and for which chemists and other technical specialists would be responsible. The course teaches decision makers and technical support personnel what should go into UFP-QAPPs; i.e., how to manage, review, and use them for project planning, NOT how to write them. The course will involve three primary modes of teaching: lectures with audio-visual aides, exercises for course participants using example UFP-QAPP worksheets, and plenty of time for answering participant questions and open discussion.
Target Audience:
EPA Project Managers, project planners, decision makers, information end users, chemists, subject matter experts, lab procurement specialists, technical auditors, information validators, information assessors, and QA Managers; basically, anyone involved in any phase of environmental information (not just lab data) planning, gathering, analysis, validation, interpretation, use, and decision making.
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
Understand that you must have QAPPs for your environmental investigations and learn why you will want them.
Know that the heart of your project and of the QAPP is planning and developing the problem statement, objectives, the decisions that you need to make, and the information you need to gather to make those decisions.
Know that chemistry is in service of project planning and decision making – chemistry gets you the information you need to make your decisions.
Gain understanding of elements of a UFP-QAPP that focus on:
Project planning
Defining the problem in the form of well thought out questions that support the decisions that need to be made
Setting objectives, including determining the information you need to make the decisions
Establishing decision-making criteria
Defining project action limits and analytical sensitivity needs
Defining field sampling activities and requirements
Defining the information usability assessment process for assessing whether the information gathered is of sufficient type, quantity, and quality to enable decision-making
To carefully consider who the information end users are and get their help in planning
What to look for in your UFP-QAPP to make sure that it will achieve the objectives of the investigation
About the chemistry-related elements of a UFP-QAPP and what needs to be in them
That project managers do not need to know the chemistry content in detail, but that they should pass on those parts of the QAPP to their technical experts to review
Continuing Education Units: 0.8
*This course is offered free of charge to all registrants who are confirmed to attend.*
IMPORTANT NOTICES – Applicable to all ERTP courses :
ERTP’s receipt of a Trainex course registration is a Registration Request, it is not a Guaranteed Enrollment in the Course. All ERTP training courses require applicant registration thru the Trainex system. Last minute course arrivals without prior ERTP Trainex course registration approval is not permitted. Before ERTP issues final approval to deliver any course and/or any EPA offices incurring expenses for the training event (including but not limited to EPA staff travel TA’s and/or ERTP training contractor expenses incurred), all EPA mandatory pre-approvals must all be met. The pre-approvals include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Training location’s availability;
• COVID status and/or other COVID Guidelines in effect for the location, as well as staff;
• Agency limitations, scrutiny, and approvals of ‘Conference Spending Requirements (known as the “5170”)’ for the specific training course(s) scheduled delivery timeframe;
• Weather (blizzard, hurricane, etc);
• Contractual number of available course training slots;
• EPA training location staff having priority registration over all other registrations; and/or
• Hosting site Training Coordinator approval.
In the event a course is subsequently postponed or canceled, or notification of registration cancellation is received, all EPA travel arrangements (airline/car rental/hotel) should be canceled in a timely manner. Registered students will receive a notification via email if/when a course is postponed and/or cancelled.
For in-person course deliveries, confirmed course registered participants must abide by all facility physical access requirements for the location (examples: check-in at the security gate, Federal ID, Government PIV/CAC cards, photo id’s, etc.). If applicable for the course or location, restrictions may apply to non-citizens and acceptable identification may be required for facility entry.
For general information contact REGISTRAR
by telephone at 513-251-7669
via e-mail at ertp-registrar2@tetratech.com
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June 22, 2023 - June 22, 2023 |

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Denver, CO |

June 6, 2023 - June 6, 2023 |

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May 11, 2023 - May 11, 2023 |

New York, NY |

May 9, 2023 - May 9, 2023 |

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May 4, 2023 - May 4, 2023 |

Atlanta, GA |

May 2, 2023 - May 2, 2023 |

Chicago, IL |

April 27, 2023 - April 27, 2023 |

Addison, TX |

April 25, 2023 - April 25, 2023 |