Meeting New Federal-Aid Requirements for Value Engineering Analysis Studies VM-401
Value Engineering is used by government agencies as well as design, construction, and manufacturing industries to optimize projects, business and manufacturing processes, and product development. The benefits of a VE study include decreasing costs, increasing profits, and improving quality and performance, while enhancing customer satisfaction. More substantial changes have been made to federal requirements for value engineering analysis (VE analysis) in 2012 than in the previous 20 years combined. Stating that a VE study has been completed in order to get Federal Aid funding now requires documenting the use of a study methodology that specifically mirrors the SAVE International VE job plan. Proven since the 1940s, the methodology yields a return on the VE study investment that can save at least $100 for every $1 invested in the study and average a minimum of 5% project cost savings. Properly used, the VE job plan supports keeping public projects on budget and schedule with a focus on quality—and better managing the long-term operations and maintenance costs. Over this two-day course, participants will learn how to apply the fundamentals of The SAVE International® value methodology and study process;
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