On-Line Training
We have collected links to a variety of websites that offer on-line training. If you know of additional websites offering on-line training related to solid/hazardous waste characterization, remediation and response, please let us know using our Guestbook.
Air Pollution Training Institute Online Courses The Air Pollution Training Institute (APTI) has developed several computer-based courses to support the APTI mission of providing technical air pollution training. http://www.apti-learn.net/LMS/EPAHomePage.aspx
CLU-IN's Internet Seminars CLU-IN's ongoing series of free-of-charge Internet Seminars are web-based slide presentations with a companion audio portion. They provide two options for accessing the audio portion of the seminar: by phone line or streaming audio simulcast. Archives of previous seminars are also available. http://www.clu-in.org/studio/
ERTP Virtual University The ERTP Virtual University is web site with access to training, resources, and expertise from peers and other professionals. http://www.ertpvu.org/
FEMA's Online Emergency Management Training FEMA's Emergency Management Institute offers training to enhance U.S. emergency management practices. http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/crslist.asp
Government Online Training Center A U.S. Government-wide resource that supports development of the Federal workforce through simplified and one-stop access to high quality e-Training products and services http://www.golearn.gov
NETI Online This site provides access to NETI course registration, training products, online classrooms, and e-mail updates. http://www.epa.gov/compliance/national-enforcement-training-institute-neti-elearning-center
RCRA Corrective Action 101 This course provides an overview of what the RCRA Corrective Action Program is all about and the reforms that EPA is pursuing to accelerate the cleanup of hazardous waste facilities regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. http://www3.epa.gov/epawaste/hazard/correctiveaction/training/
RCRA Corrective Action Online Modules These represent 6 two-hour presentations on current topics in Corrective Action (CA) developed by the Results-Oriented Streamlined Approaches or ROSA workgroup. The workgroup consisted of EPA, State and industry representatives working together to improve the CA program. http://trainex.org/rcra_ca/
Watershed Academy Online Courses This Web site offers a variety of self-paced training modules that represent a basic and broad introduction to the watershed management field. The modules are organized by the six themes listed above. http://www.epa.gov/watershedacademy