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ConSoil 2008 Special Session: Brownfields, Bioenergy and Biofeedstocks (Rejuvenate)
Internet-based seminar
Hosted by Provincia di Milano (IT), German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF/DE), and Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment (VROM/NL)

Brownfield land exists for which there is no economic case for restoration to conventional functional re-use and/or no realistic prospect for 'hard' re-use. All across Europe and America there are areas of land which have been degraded by past use that are not easy candidates for conventional regeneration, often on economic grounds, or because there is no real driver for their redevelopment. An ideal solution for such areas would be a land management approach that is able to pay for itself, or is revenue generating. The combination of a wider r ...  [click for more]

For general information contact Jean Balent by telephone at 202-566-0832
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