Global Perspectives on Green Remediation -'Making Clean Green'
Speakers from industry and academia will present perspectives on sustainable remediation, case studies, and new DTSC guidance materials and tools. The Symposium will be held at the Cal/EPA Building in Sacramento. The symposium will be videotaped and presentations will be available through the Agenda link a week before the symposium. The international perspective will be contributed by speakers from England and Canada. Other experts will share case studies and tools for assessing the carbon footprint, health and safety risk, and other environmental impacts from the application of different alternatives. The symposium will showcase DTSC’s forthcoming Green Remediation Guidance and also present breaking information on climate change revisions to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Other presentations cover U.S. EPA’s Green Remediation Primer, prospects for a Green Remediation certification program, and their Climate Change & Contaminated Lands Initiative; as well as a technical white paper under development by the U.S. Sustainable Remediation Forum (SuRF). The Symposium will be offered live in Sacramento and by webcast. Videos and slides will be available later on DTSC’s webpage. The final agenda will be posted when available. Registration, using the above link) is required for on-site attendance and space is limited to 280 persons. Webcast attendees are encouraged to register as well to receive information updates and notification of future symposia. If you need assistance, special accommodation, or language need, please contact DTSC at least 30 days in advance at GreenRemSym@dtsc.ca.gov. Questions may be submitted to the same email address. Disclaimer: In an effort to foster scientific and technical advances in characterization, monitoring and remediation of contaminated sites, DTSC in cooperation with GRA, and U.S. EPA, encourages full and frank discussion of all technical matters and related issues that come before it. Information presented in this remediation symposium represents the views of the participants and has not received formal DTSC, GRA or U.S. EPA peer review. Therefore, this information does not necessarily reflect the views of DTSC, GRA or U.S. EPA or other participating organizations and no official endorsement should be inferred. The information is not intended, nor can it be relied upon, to create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation with the State of California, United States or any other party. Use or mention of trade names does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation for use. Errors and omissions in the information will be corrected as they are found and time permits.
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