ARAMS is a computer-based, modeling- and database-driven analysis system developed for the Army for estimating the human and ecological health impacts and risks associated with military relevant compounds (MRCs) and other constituents. ARAMS takes various existing databases and models for exposure, intake/update, and effects (health impacts) and incorporates them into a conceptual site-modeling framework. With ARAMS, the user can visually specify multimedia pathways and risk scenarios with objects. The user can also choose which particular model or database to use for each object. Thus, ARAMS is adaptable for assessing various risk scenarios of interest. The heart of ARAMS is the object-oriented Conceptual Site Model (CSM). The CSM is based on the Framework for Analysis in Multimedia Environmental Systems (FRAMES) developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). FRAMES provides the common framework for linking disparate models and databases. Objects (or modules) are used in FRAMES to denote different pathways and stages of analysis. Objects also represent the sources of contamination, the intermediate exposure pathways, intake/uptake, and health impact assessment.
This four-hour workshop will provide an overview of the system and demonstrate sample applications. ARAMS is available free to users at
Workshop instructors are Dr. Brad Sample, CH2MHill, and Dr. Mark Johnson, U.S. Army.
For general information contact Jerri Town (EMS, Inc.)
by telephone at 301-589-5318 , Ext. 25
via e-mail at
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