Welcome to EPA's Training on Responsible Management of Tritium EXIT Signs.
Numerous incidents connect radioactive tritium self-luminous EXIT signs or devices with elevated tritium (H3) levels in municipal landfill leachate, Superfund sites, and emergency response to broken tritium EXIT signs in schools and other public places. Government poison and hazardous materials hotlines and officials in emergency management, radiation protection, nuclear safety, public health and medicine may receive requests for help with tritium EXIT sign disposal or suspected contamination. This self-paced online program promotes government, industry and purchaser awareness of tritium EXIT sign safety and legal requirements and Energy-Star non-radioactive “green” sign alternatives. The goal is to reduce the potential environmental risks from tritium entering our soil and groundwater and to avoid elevated levels of radiation exposure from leaking Tritium EXIT signs in confined indoor environments.
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For general information contact Renelle Rae
by telephone at 202-343-9459
via e-mail at rae.renelle@epa.gov