The EPA Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children (IEUBK) predicts blood-lead concentrations (PbB) for children (6 months to 7 years) exposed to lead in their environment. This course will provide participants with a basic understanding of the IEUBK model, knowledge about when it is appropriate to change the parameters in the model, and how the model can be used for the assessment of risks to children posed by environmental lead at hazardous waste sites.
This course incorporates an intensive hands-on computer workshop for most of the training. The workshop will provide participants with a hands-on opportunity to vary the data and parameters entered into the model and observe how changes in environmental conditions may affect PbB levels in exposed children. General and specific topics of the model and activities to be covered include:
Overview of ATSDR and EPA soil lead policy
Purpose of the IEUBK model and why it was developed
Overview of the four modules (exposure, uptake, biokinetic, and probability distribution)
Overview of exposure equations for air, dietary, water, soil, and dust
Default values for exposure parameters
Updating the model to reflect current (decreasing) dietary lead intake, baseline blood lead levels in women of child-bearing age, background air lead levels, etc.
User control within the model
Running the model
Limitations of the model
The differences between the IEUBK and Adult Lead Methodology (ALM) models
For general information contact Danielle Langmann
by telephone at 404-498-0452
via e-mail at
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