Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium
The main program will comprise a mix of platform and poster presentations and topical discussions. The scientific focus of the meeting will be on in situ passive samples for environmental monitoring and risk assessment. Other subjects may include the use of passive samplers to carry out surveillance, operation, and investigative monitoring that are necessary to meet the needs of regulatory agencies. With the continued maturation of passive sampling tools, this upcoming meeting will also offer more 'hands-on' discussions to tackle specific practical applications of these tools. This meeting will be beneficial to scientist (experts to first-time users), policy makers (regulatory authorities, accreditation bodies) and end users (companies, laboratories, and municipalities) that have a need for monitoring environmental pollution. Tentative Topics for Presentations and Discussion (subject to change due to proposed topics)
Important Dates
For general information contact David Alvarez
by telephone at 573-441-2970
(Fax: 573-876-1896)
via e-mail at dalvarez@usgs.govCall for Sessions Proposals: June 1, 2006 to August 1, 2006 Call for Abstracts: August 14, 2006 to March 16, 2007 More information on this event is available, click here
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