Command and General Staff
This course is designed to prepare the student to function effectively in the position of a Type 2 Incident Commander, Command or General Staff, Resource Unit Leader, Situation Unit Leader or Environmental Unit Leader. The focus of this course is on team building and the application of previously acquired knowledge and skills obtained from position specific training. This is accomplished through lectures and short team building exercises. The exercise is a graded simulation of a rapidly accelerating earthquake scenario in which the students team is one of five IMTs operating in a make believe city. To successfully complete the course each student must achieve a passing grade in his or her role in simulation.
Target Group
This course is intended for U.S EPA and U.S. Coast Guard personnel who have completed Incident Command System I-100, 200, 300, 400 level courses and any of the Command and General Staff position specific courses to include EPA Resource Unit Leader, Situation Unit Leader or Environmental Unit Leader courses.
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
https://ertpvu.org/ClassroomCourseDetail.aspx?id=34 For general information contact Registrar by telephone at 513-251-7669 or via e-mail at ertp-registrar2@tetratech.com
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