In an effort to continue the dissemination of information on international green and sustainable remediation, an Internet Seminar entitled "US and EU Perspectives on Green and Sustainable Remediation Part 2" will be presented on March 15, 2011. The first Internet Seminar on international green and sustainable remediation took place on July 12, 2010, and was called "US and EU Perspectives on Green and Sustainable Remediation." During the seminar, international leaders of sustainable and green remediation efforts discussed their drivers and constraints, as well as the impacts of these opportunities and issues on their efforts. The seminar was subsequently presented as a primer, entitled "Sustainable Remediation: International Developments", during a special session in September at ConSoil 2010 ( in Salzburg, Austria. The ConSoil special session focused on the state of international implementation of sustainable environmental remediation.
The focus of the March 15th Internet Seminar will be to clarify how green remediation and sustainable remediation are similar, yet different, and to provide US and International case studies of green remediation. Panelists will include representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Sustainable Remediation Forum - United Kingdom (SURF UK), and Environment Agency Austria (EAA). In addition, presenters from the July 2010 Internet Seminar and September 2010 ConSoil Special Session will also be in attendance representing SURF US and the Netherlands; EURODEMO+; Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe (NICOLE); Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe; and Environment Canada.
For general information contact Carlos Pachon
by telephone at 703-603-9904
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Archives of past CLU-IN internet seminars are available in the CLU-IN Studio at You will be able to view the slide and hear an audio stream of the presentation as it occurred.