Event Description: |
RA Using RES: Contract Acquisition and Management is an intermediate level project management course that provides a comprehensive examination of the technical, contracting and regulatory requirements that the Superfund Remedial Program and EPA contracting officers must address as they plan for and oversee the execution of remedial action (RA) projects under the RES contract. Many of the concepts described also apply to other Superfund RA contracting options. The focus of this course is fixed-price remediation with detailed design specifications and drawings provided by the government. Course participants will discover how planning for and using project management principles during RD/RA scoping, RD execution, RA solicitation, and RA implementation will help the project team control the RA project’s scope, schedule, and budget and manage change.
By taking this course, participants will be better able to:
Plan for RA management early in the design phase. Controlling and understanding the scope of the RD and the content of the plans and specifications has a direct impact on how a RA project will be executed and the effort it will take to oversee RA activities.
Apply proactive planning and project management throughout the process. The RPM must assemble a team to support RD and RA implementation. This team can include Superfund and contracting staff and managers, as well as external resources, such as EPA Headquarters, other Federal Agencies, States/Tribes, or contractors. The RPM is the leader of this team and must establish a culture of collaboration and teamwork through clear roles and responsibilities and established communication protocols.
Develop a RES Task Order Initiation Package and participate in the Fair Opportunity: The RPM typically acts as the Task Order Contracting Officer Representative (TOCOR) and has the responsibility to develop the task order initiation package for the RES procurement. The RPM is also usually a member of the technical evaluation panel that helps review technical aspects of RES proposals.
Use RA management best practices for control of (1) Project QA/AC, (2) Project Deliverables, (3) Health and Safety, and (4) Contract Management. The RPM and project team must institute management controls for four key elements of an RA: project QA/QC, project deliverables, health and safety, and contract management. EPA has developed best practices for control of these important project elements.
Effectively manage change requests during RA. Change requests on fixed-price remediation projects are common, especially at Superfund sites where some characterization uncertainties may exist. Project teams will be provided with best practices and management tips for identifying and tracking change requests.
Apply knowledge and discover lessons learned. Participants discuss RD and RA scenarios where they can apply what they have learned. In addition, case study presentations will show participants how RES RA projects have been managed and outline the lessons EPA project teams have learned through RA management.
This course is a 3-day course and is designed for EPA project teams (Superfund and contracting staff and managers) who will be initiating an RA project under RES in the next 12 months or EPA project teams that are in the process of implementing an RD and planning for an RA under RES. THIS COURSE IS NOT OPEN TO OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES, STATES, TRIBES, ACADEMIA, CONSULTANTS, CONTRACTORS OR ANY PRIVATE ENTITIES.