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Event Details

General Information
Event Name: Improvement of Site Investigation Reliability and Efficiency Using "Decision Unit" and "Multi Increment" Sampling Methods
Hosted By: U.S. EPA
Region 10
Event Description:

The workshop will explore the nature of random, small-scale variability of contaminant concentrations in soil and the use of “Decision Unit (DU)” and “Multi Increment Sample (MIS)” methods to help generate more reliable data for site investigation and remediation actions. The morning session will focus on field research and DU-MIS guidance published by the Hawai′i Department of Health (HDOH). DU-MIS methods have been used in Hawai′i since 2004, with the first guidance published in 2009. The afternoon se ...  [more]

Registration Status: Completed - NFD
Event Begins: May 3, 2017 at 9:00 AM
Event Ends: May 3, 2017 at 5:00 PM
This event will be held at: U.S. EPA - Region 10
1200 Sixth Ave.
Floor 21 Umatilla
Seattle, WA 98101
Location Map:
These maps are for getting a general idea of the location - they may not be 100% accurate.
Click here to view
Location Contact Information: Kira Lynch
Phone: 206-553-2144
Additional Event Information
Please click here for the course agenda (578K/PDF)
Please click here for detailed logistics information (571K/PDF)


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