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Event Details

General Information
Event Name: Remedial Acquisition Framework Training Course
Event Description:

Remedial Acquisition Framework Training focuses on providing the EPA audience with an introduction to the award and administration of the Remedial Acquisition Framework (RAF) contracts.

By taking the course, participants will achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand how EPA will procure and deliver remedial services under the RAF. This will include a discussion of the RAF suite of contracts, other EPA contracting options, and use of other Federal Agencies or State contracts.
  • Master an understandin ...  [more]
Registration Status: Completed - Audience: Limited to EPA Staff
Event Begins: November 1, 2017 at 9:00 AM
Event Ends: November 1, 2017 at 4:00 PM
For questions about this event, please contact: Kate Garufi
Phone: 703-517-5857
This event will be held at: U.S. EPA - Region 8
1595 Wynkoop St.
Bison/Bitterroot rooms in the Denver 2nd floor conference center
Denver, CO 80202-1129

Participants from the EPA Helena office may also choose to participate via video conference from the John Wardell room (15 participant capacity).

Location Map:
These maps are for getting a general idea of the location - they may not be 100% accurate.
Click here to view
Location Contact Information: Frances Costanzi
Phone: 303-312-6571


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